A self-facilitated program to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth
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A self-facilitated program to boost your mental fitness for personal and professional growth
A self-facilitated mental fitness program with exclusive pricing for 2 to 25 individuals
Explore coach-led mental fitness programs with workshops tailored to your organization
Growth Mindset June 18th
The Avoider Saboteur is a master of evasion, steering you away from difficult tasks, uncomfortable emotions, and necessary confrontations. Here’s what to look out for as the Avoider tries to impose its lies and limiting beliefs on you.
Growth Mindset June 4th
Here’s what you need to know about the Judge Saboteur to discredit its lies and minimize its impact on your performance, relationships, and wellbeing.
Growth Mindset May 28th
The 5 Sage Powers (Empathize, Explore, Innovate, Navigate, and Activate) help you form positive habits, overcome self-sabotage, and achieve your true potential.
Mental Fitness May 14th
Identifying and intercepting your Saboteurs is crucial for improving performance, relationships, wellbeing, team dynamics, and organizational success.
Mental Fitness April 30th
Persuasion is an art that requires a delicate blend of insight, emotion, and strategy. Building mental fitness will equip you with the mental muscles you need to master the art of persuasion and influence.
Mental Fitness March 29th
Positive Intelligence’s® PQ Program for mental fitness becomes a transformative force when integrated with EOS® to enhance traction, leadership effectiveness, and overall performance.
Growth Mindset March 5th
Incorporate mental fitness strategies into your approach to change management to foster a culture of resilience, innovation, and growth.